A powerful power bank that energizes the male body and stimulates many vital functions, including reproductive one. Extensively improves sperm quality and increases its fertility by increasing the number of healthy and active spermatozoa.
Improves semen quality and quantity of healthy sperm
- Eliminating erectile dysfunction
- Increasing the natural production of testosterone
- Improving the quality and quantity of sperm
- Maintaining regular sexual activity
- Increasing sexual vigor and libido
- Eliminating nervousness, excitement, fatigue, lethargy and depression, as well as an increasing mental concentration against the background of solving issues with sexual activity.
- Strengthening muscle activity and bone tissue during female menopause protects against premature osteoporosis.
The complex of phytocompounds also has a beneficial effect on the functions of the immune system, the body's adaptation to high loads and stress, increases the overall endurance and tone of the body;
The biological active additive improves blood circulation. The use of products helps to avoid congestion and inflammation in the genital area, which is an important condition for good general well-being and quality of life for men and women.
- Increasing the natural production of testosterone
- Improving the quality and quantity of sperm
- Maintaining regular sexual activity
- Increasing sexual vigor and libido
- Eliminating nervousness, excitement, fatigue, lethargy and depression, as well as an increasing mental concentration against the background of solving issues with sexual activity.
- Strengthening muscle activity and bone tissue during female menopause protects against premature osteoporosis.
The complex of phytocompounds also has a beneficial effect on the functions of the immune system, the body's adaptation to high loads and stress, increases the overall endurance and tone of the body;
The biological active additive improves blood circulation. The use of products helps to avoid congestion and inflammation in the genital area, which is an important condition for good general well-being and quality of life for men and women.
Improves semen quality and quantity healthy sperm
Действия препарата
Улучшает качество семени и количество здоровых сперматозоидов
Улучшает состояние мочеполовой системы
Увеличивает продолжительность эрекции
Служит профилактикой аденомы простаты
Способствует лечению бесплодия
Регулирует производство тестостерона
Нормализует кровообращение
Повышает иммунитет, силу и выносливость
- Expiration date2 yil
- Number of capsules60 dona
- Prescription statusWithout a doctor's prescription
- Country of manufactureMade in Europe.
packed in Uzbekistan
- Dosing regimenTake 1 capsule of two colors 2 times a day in the morning (red+white) and in the evening (red + white), with meals within 3-4 months
- Terms and conditions of storageFood supplements should be stored out of reach of children, protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25⁰С.
- L-Carnitine250 mg.
- L-Arginine250 mg.
- Astaxanthin2 mg.
- Selenium0.05 mg.
- Folic acid0.1mg.
- Glutathione100 mg.
- Omega- 3300 mg.
- Coenzyme Q-1050 mg.
- Vitamin Е15 mg. (30 IU)
- Vitamin D30.1 mg. (500 IU)
- Dosing regimenTake 1 capsule of two colors 2 times a day in the morning (red + white) and in the evening (red + white), with meals within 3-4 months.
- Indications for useTo improve the quantity, motility and quality of spermatozoa (boosts spermogram parameters), including:
- malformation of the morphology of spermatozoa (teratozoospermia);
- decrease in sperm motility (asthenozoospermia);
- decrease in the amount of sperm (oligospermia);
- normalizes sperm DNA fragmentation
- to increase the volume of sperm, while planning a conception.
- at the erectile dysfunction, to improve potency;
- at metabolic imbalance;
- normalizes oxidative stress of spermatozoa;
- in combined therapy of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- at minerals and vitamins insufficiency;
- as a general tonic (bracing).
- Undesirable effectPossible: In rare cases, allergic reactions (with increased sensitivity to individual components of the supplement) at gastric ulcer.
- ContraindicationsIndividual intolerance to individual components of the supplement
- PrecautionsNot for medicinal use. Check with a specialist before use. Dietary supplement is not a substitute for a balanced diet
Foydalanishuchun ko’rsatmalar
Ko'rsatmalarni yuklab olingTarkibi:
Preparat to'g'risidagi ma'lumotlar, nima uchun foydali, foydalanish uchun ko'rsatmalar, dozalash rejimi, yon ta'siri, Kontrendikatsiyalar, haydash qobiliyatiga ta'siri, ishlab chiqarish shakli, dorixonalardan ta'til shartlari, yaroqlilik muddati

Men's health
Complex phyto compounds also beneficial effect on the immune system functions, the body's adaptation to high loads and stress, increases the overall stamina and tone of the body
Order now- Type of packagingCapsules
- Number of capsules60 pcs.
- Ishlab chiqaruvchi mamlakat